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Loss of wisdom

Updated: Jul 29, 2021

Scientists in Australia have discovered that humans are undergoing a micro-evolution in which physical changes are observable over a short period.

Modern babies are being born without wisdom teeth as humans continue to evolve at a rapid rate, according to an Australian study. Dr Teghan Lucas of Adelaide's Flinders University said faces are becoming a lot shorter and with smaller jaws, which means there is less room for teeth. It is thought this is the result of humans having learned to use fire and to process food rather than eat it raw. The research also found that some people are being born with additional bones in their arms and legs, or with abnormal connections of two or more bones in their feet.

(Smaller jaws mean less space for wisdom teeth)

The study, led by Dr Lucas together with University of Adelaide Professors Maciej Henneberg and Jaliya Kumaratilake, showed a "significant increase" in the prevalence of the median artery since the late 19th century. This artery forms when a baby is in the womb, and is the main vessel supplying blood to the forearm and hand; it usually disappears during gestation, to be replaced by the radial and ulnar arteries. Increasingly, however, the median artery is being retained, so that a person can have all three arteries. The study's authors claim this evolutionary trend will continue to be seen in those born 80 years from today, by which time the median artery will become a common feature of the human forearm.

The study demonstrated that humans are evolving at a faster rate than at any point in the past 250 years; changes in natural selection are suggested as the major reason for such micro-evolution.

Irish Examiner, 9 Oct 2020.



a) Do you have your wisdom teeth yet?

b) Have you ever had a tooth removed?

c) Have you ever had any dental treatment, or surgery (like a brace to straighten your teeth)?

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