Bobi, an exceptional Portuguese mastiff, achieved a new world record as the longest-lived dog. He lived for an astonishing 31 years and 165 days before passing away.
This remarkable achievement is even more astounding considering that his breed typically lives only 12 to 14 years. Bobi's journey began in challenging circumstances when he and his siblings were not expected to survive after birth. In those days, it was common to bury such animals to ensure they didn't make it. Luckily, a compassionate eight-year-old boy named Leonel Costa intervened, saving Bobi and welcoming him into their family. Bobi spent his entire life with Leonel's family in the Portuguese village of Conqueiros.
In February of this year, Guinness World Records officially recognized Bobi as the world's oldest living dog, surpassing Spike, a chihuahua from Ohio, USA. Bobi's remarkable long life was attributed to the peaceful environment, a diet of shared meals with the family, and his access to plenty of outdoor space.